Real Reflection

Because I’m Asian

Growing up Asian, it was always very difficult to find people who looked like me on television (Marvel movies for example 😢) To this day, I always freak out with excitement whenever I see anyone Asian on the big screen. Seeing Steven Yeun, a Korean-American actor, on The Walking Dead was one of the best surprises of… Continue reading Because I’m Asian

Real Reflection

Don’t Pick A College For Its Food.

As someone who has been a high schooler in the United States, I am quite familiar with the advertising colleges use to pull me into attending their schools. Glossy brochures presenting breathtaking architecture, testimonials about the amazing life on-campus, catchy phrases proclaiming how great _______ College is! But, in Revisionist History, Malcolm Gladwell reveals the hidden,… Continue reading Don’t Pick A College For Its Food.

Real Reflection

Caution: This Article Talks About Trigger Warnings

Critical Analysis Brief Summary: In this article, Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt discuss the rise of trigger warnings as well as strict rules and punishments for anything deemed offensive in universities. The changes in childhood experiences, increasing political polarization, and social media are all factors causing this movement. Haidt and Lukianoff also argue that… Continue reading Caution: This Article Talks About Trigger Warnings

Real Reflection

The End of Satire!! You WON’T Believe Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the wake of the controversial election of President Trump, satire defined as "the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices" has seen an incredible rise in popularity (Google Search). Look no further than the late-night TV dominance of Stephen Colbert known for his satirical takes on… Continue reading The End of Satire!! You WON’T Believe Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!