Simple Summary

Oof, That’s Not What I Meant Though!

“They Say, I Say” Part 3 Chapter 8 “As A Result” In this section, Graff and Birkenstein explain how to make connections between different components of your writing in order to reinforce your main points, avoid choppiness, and stay on topic. According to these authors, one way to develop these connections is by subtly utilizing… Continue reading Oof, That’s Not What I Meant Though!

Simple Summary

Agreeing to Disagree… or Agree or Both?

"They Say, I Say" Part 2 Chapter 4 "Yes/No/Okay, But" In this chapter, Graff and Birkenstein focus on the "I say" component of their writing, the response or argument to what other people have said. According to these authors, there are three ways to do so: agreeing, disagreeing, or a combination of both. At the… Continue reading Agreeing to Disagree… or Agree or Both?